
martin555 avatar image
martin555 asked

Orion 12/12 30 output voltage reading incorrect


I have a 12/12 30a isolated orion charging a lifepo4 battery, cabling is 16mm2 and 25mm2 length of cable from orion to battery is approx 2m. Orion output voltage when engine is running is about 0.3v higher than shunt and BMS say it is, this means that orion goes into absorption and then float before the MPPTs and obviously before the battery is actually charged. I'm guessing this must be a fault in the orion, unless there is something I'm missing?


orion-tr smart
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
@martin555 Could be voltage drop between the orion and the aux battery. Check the voltage at the output of the orion.

Check your connections / crimps / fuses (you did use one?) / orion's terminal block for tightness.

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3 Answers
martin555 avatar image
martin555 answered ·

Thanks for response

All connections are good, checked and double checked, crimps are good and made with hydraulic crimper, yes fused. Voltage across output terminals of orion matches that of BMS and shunt.

Is there a known issue with incorrect voltage readings on these units? 0.03v difference might be workable but 0.3 isnt.

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cstenger avatar image
cstenger answered ·

Same here. Input voltage reading is wrong as well. Hope this has been eliminated with the new Orion XS!

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martin555 avatar image
martin555 answered ·

I've been in touch with the supplier and they have said that I can return it to them for testing and if they find it to be faulty they will replace it. However I will have to pay to send it to them and if they don't consider it to be faulty I will be charged £30 for testing and return postage!

Is this normal with Victron suppliers?

Seems like I can either take the gamble (but still be out of pocket for the postage) or increase the voltage settings on the orion by the amount of the error so that it will actually fully charge the battery and just put up with the fault?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Victron's warranty does not cover shipping costs.
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