
heirix69 avatar image
heirix69 asked

Node Red on Multiplus-II GX can not access the relays and temperature sensor

Hi, I am trying to implement a flow on Node Red for driving a heater element based on current PV surplus and temperature measurement. I have a Multiplus-II GX device, installed Venus large-OS and enabled Node Red. As the Multiplus-II has some connectors already for temp sensor input and some relays, my idea was to use them in the Node Red flow.

Now, neither the venus.local remote console nor the Node Red does show me the relays or temp sensor. Is it possible at all to gain access to them from Node Red? The only way I saw was to program it via VEConfig, but the options there are not sufficient for my use case.

If I can not use the built-in relays or temp sensor of the Multiplus, how can I connect additional devices at all? The GX device in Multiplus has only limited numbers of connections exposed.

Node-REDTemperature SensorRelaymultplus 2 gx
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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·


i think its not possible, see:

part 5.4 controlling relays

(VE.Bus connected-) Multi, Quattro and similar product relays

Its not possible to control the alarm relay nor the AC-out 2 contactor of our inverter/chargers. Also, there are no plans to make them controllable remotely, which includes no plans to make them controllable from within Node-RED either.

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