
bob1606 avatar image
bob1606 asked

Using “Programmable relay” depends on battery temperature?

Dear community,

a short introduction of my system: I’m issuing a MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-50 GX with a 16S lifepo4 Batteries and Fronius inverter as an ESS system.

The goal is, to use the Multiplus relays to control the battery temperature.

But, first issue is, I don’t see the relay button in my remote console. Do I need to activate relay option somewhere in the settings?


I also tried to use the “Programmable relay” assistant but without success so far.

The idea is, to use the ACOut 2 relay to power a heating pad depends on the battery temperature.

Temperature <5° --> relay on

Temperature >10° --> relay off




Did someone this kind of setup and can support me?


Multiplus-IITemperature SensorRelay
settings-rc.jpg (36.3 KiB)
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2 Answers
Al avatar image
Al answered ·


The temperature sense input won't work, it's just being used as a digital input rather for that programmable relay, it doesn't use the temperature measurements.. You could use something like this:

What bms do you have, does that have programmable outputs to trigger something?

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bob1606 avatar image
bob1606 answered ·

Thanks Al for the quick reply. I use the JK BMS.

Maybe it is possible to make this setup with Node-Red. I just started with Note-Red tutorials. But maybe someone has already done this before and can send me a screenshot.

Thanks in advance

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