
ciacula avatar image
ciacula asked

Pylontech temperature min/max showed in the Remote Console and battery life span

I would like to know more about the temperatures showed in the Remote Console: are these values measured in 24 hours or are these values measured in the whole life of the batteries? I'm using heating mats (controlled by Cerbo relay plus external relay) on the batteries and it seems I'm having between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius (showed in the battery monitor and measured through a sensor attached to the Cerbo). I guess this is good for the battery life, instead of to have 4/5 degrees in winter time. But I see a high difference between the min and max cell temperature values on the Remote Console (please see the attached pictures). Should I be worried about this? Is it a good choice to use heating mats to increase a little the battery temperature? Thanks01.jpg

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2 Answers
daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@Ciacula I have a Heater in my Server Rack which does not make contact with my Pylontech US5000 batteries and the results for mine are a lot different to yours i only have a couple of degrees difference and mine is a bank of three as well. You could have a pad heating up too much

My Min cell temp is 18c with a max cell temp of 22c you have about 9 degrees difference to my 4 degrees that is just done by warming the air. Its far from efficient but every battery in the bank should pretty much operate at the same temp if not, not far out.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

All those information are live, instant ones.

And the numbers in front of them identifies the bank and the battery in that bank.

For example, the lowest cell voltage 3.310V is on the bank 1, battery no. 2.

The minimum cell temperature 12*C is on the bank 1, battery no. 3.

And so on.....

Master is battery 1.

And take into account that during charging, especially during absorption phase, the cell temperature rise quite a bit.

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ciacula avatar image ciacula commented ·

If I understand correctly the Battery Temperature Sensor (showed into the VRM portal) makes the average of the cells temperatures of all the batteries. Is it right? Otherwise, is there the possibility to know the highest or lowest cell temperature in a time frame? Just to avoid to heat too much.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru ciacula commented ·

No, that temperature is the instant temperature of the coolest and the hottest cell.

For a Pylontech battery (15 cells) you have 15 temperatures for cells and 1 temperature for the BMS controller.

The BMS is communicating through CAN bus all these information to the Cerbo.

And the Cerbo is showing you there which battery has the coolest and hottest cell, but not the exact cell number with that temperature.

You can find what you want by listening to the CAN communication or by using the console port of the master battery and asking there the batteries individual information.

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