
David avatar image
David asked

MPPT settings for EASYSOLAR-II GX 48/3000

Customer has an Easysolar-II GX working well for 6 months. Customer then set up VRM and updated the firmware on all devices (rookie error). Everything kept working except the MPPT is now showing status OFF. No errors or notifications. The mppt Bulk LED is flashing slowly, other two LEDs off. (either -Not charging or Rotary switch position 4. not sure if relevant) We have been through all the Pre-RMA bench test instructions and can not determine what has caused the unit to be locked in OFF status. All mppt settings can be seen on phone App and via Victron Connect remotely and MPPT is showing up on VRM, remote console etc, and status OFF. It was noted that the RED wire was in the H port of the REMOTE terminal block (appears to be correct)

Two questions.

1. Has anyone seen this or know of any ways to get MPPT back to ON status?

2. For an MPPT in an Easysolar, what setting should the RELAY mode be set to? What should the Load Output setting be set to? Or are these relevant or irrelevant. Just checking if the firmware update has thrown something out.


MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The load settings on the mppt, unless you are using the load output are irrelevant.

After the firmware updates was everything reprogrammed? (Mostly the inverter.) Not with the rotary switch on the mppt but with Victron connect or over the VRM to suit the batteries being used.

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David avatar image David commented ·


Thank you. Yes, the inverter settings were checked and no problems there. The issue is the MPPT is now bricked in the OFF status. Because the MPPT is has a wire connected to the H relay port, we wondered if some setting in the MPPT needs to be reset to make it operational. If the MPPT is now bricked (which happened straight after the firmware update via VRM, after it worked seamlessly for over 6 months) we will have to supply the customer with a new MPPT. Very frustrating that a firmware update will brick an MPPT.


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ David commented ·

Not likely that. FW update bricked it, but it does have to be wired correctly.

You can bridge the H/L remote to check it independently.

Does it have Bluetooth? Does the app give the why is my charger off reason? The other option is to load a previous firmware from Victron Professional.

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alia-rahim avatar image
alia-rahim answered ·

Try one of the below.

  1. Grab a multimeter and check if you have voltage input and output.
  2. The MPPT should tell what sort of error code it has.
  3. Revert to previous firmware from Victron Professional.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Correct Victron connect will tell you why the mppt is in the off status.
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