
bjornm avatar image
bjornm asked

Will the SmartSolar MPPT 250/100 get damaged if the BMS disconnects the battery?

I'm looking to buy this charge controller. My BMS might randomly disconnect the battery during charging. Will this damage the controller?

I've seen a few guesses to this question here, but I was hoping that some official Victron person could weigh in on this.

battery chargingMPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It shouldn't but it can.

It's a mixed bag. And depends on the circumstances.

In a system, if it is producing full tilt and providing loads and the battery is fully charged. Then suddenly load drops off battery disconnects and there is no where for the volt amps to go. It can.

Usually when the battery disconnects you see a spike in voltage on the terminals. This can damage components and shorten lifespan.

I have also seen many a time where the battery does disconnect and it hasn't to date stopped working.

The newer models are more resilient and the firmware has improved alot but obviously repeated disconnects under heavy production is not great for longevity.

It has been weighed in on a few times with Victron staff and mppts. One example below. Please note it is not your model but the principle applies.

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bjornm avatar image bjornm commented ·
Thanks Alexandra.
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