
farhad avatar image
farhad asked

ModbusTCP: How to create new registers for Multiplus ll ?


I am new to victron.

I have a Multiplus where I add data from a PLC (battery). But I don't have alot of modbus registers to write to. Is it possible to add new registers and how can I add these new registers to VRM?

Modbus TCP
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3 Answers
netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

You can't communicate directly to the Multi or VRM(In this case,you have to use a GX) The only way to use modbus is a GX Device ... Cerbo,Venus etc etc. or modified Raspberry...

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farhad avatar image
farhad answered ·

Oki thanks.

So How can i define new registers?

Right now there is already some registered that is defined to AC_in etc. and the PLC is sending data to these. However, I want to create new registers, so I can send more data to the Multi so I can show it in VRM.

Is this even possible?

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farhad avatar image
farhad answered ·
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

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