
ronald-hanson avatar image
ronald-hanson asked

Installing LiFeP04 with AGM Starter and DC-DC, do I need shore charger for the LIFEP04 still?

Hello, I want to update the house batteries on a sailboat to LiFeP04. I prefer to keep the alternator as is. I need help sorting out if I need a second charger (Installation 1 in the image). Will the DC-DC work with the AGM charger and the starter battery, or will the DC-DC be often triggered while the starter AGM is maintained (Installation 2 in the image)? I included two ideas for the installation, just the concepts, no fuses, bilge, etc, shown to clarify the challenge faced. The boat is on shore power during the week, with a dehumidifier and refrigeration running.



dc-dc charger
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The Orion DC:DC will run, depending on settings.

Start voltage/engine detect must be lower than the shore charger output voltage. As this will mostly be float, you'll need to be lower than that.

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