
Franklin Bravo avatar image
Franklin Bravo asked

Configuration N-phase System

Good afternoon, some time ago I saw a video by Mrs. Margreet Leeftink, where she indicated the possibility of obtaining a three-phase system from a 2-phase system. However, I have not been able to find that video on the Internet. Could you please tell me the link. Greetings and thanks for your support

system design
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Franklin Bravo

It is best to look for a local supplier/distributor to talk to about that.

With grid and codes being different all over the world it is best to look for local knowledge.

Are your phases 120° apart orn180°? You definitely have a neutral reference and it is not split phase?

I can say where we are it is possible to build a three phase system from one phase. As long as there is Line and neutral reference.

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Franklin Bravo avatar image
Franklin Bravo answered ·

Thank you for your attention and response, indeed the system is 120°, but I need to see the video where the settings and configuration of the inverter equipment are explained.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

There isn't one from victron. You can run the program for setting this up in demo mode and try it out.

It is much the same as setting up a three phase with one less inverter

There is some basic documentation

Systems by non professional/DIYers are not officially supported.

There are a few vids on YouTube and a few blogs by various distributors online to check out.

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