
solarchris62 avatar image
solarchris62 asked

Can I use SmartSolar MPPT 75/10, 75/15, 100/15 & 100/20 on my system

I have 2 48V 5000W server rack batteries on a all in one system. I had a 48V to 12V 60A converter that failed in my camper. I don’t think it could handle the jacks amp draw. I have a 12V LiFePO4 (Lithium) battery that I want to put back into the camper and was wondering if I could charge the 12V with SmartSolar MPPT 75/10, 75/15, 100/15 & 100/20?

48v battery
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

If you're asking about connecting your 48v battery output to the SmartSolar input, and the SmartSolar's output to your 12v battery bank, thus trying to use it as a DC-DC charger, this is not supported and can cause damage to and failure of the solar controller and possibly the surrounding connected components, which failure would not be warranted since warranty coverage requires proper installation which this, by definition, would not be.

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