
Harald Gemmer avatar image
Harald Gemmer asked

Modbus battery 289 "Time since last full charge" does not deliver any data.

New 3.10 Modbus com.victronenergy.battery 289 "Time since last full charge" does not deliver any data.

Reading the Modbus Register for the Battery works well except the new 289 Register.
Has someone made it work, and how?

As of 20230920, I use the latest 330AH VE lifepo4 and Lynx BMS with Cerbo and read the registers with an iobroker. In VE Connect APP I do see the battery value of the "Time since last full charge".

Modbus TCP
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
@Harald Gemmer

Moved to modifications

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1 Answer
elvis avatar image
elvis answered ·

I use MQTT to get this value but Modbus works as well.

Firmware Currently on 3.20~2.

This value comes from the BMV so make sure you have the right "Unit ID", "Not to be confused with the "Instance ID" for the BMV".

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