
crazseas avatar image
crazseas asked

Orion-Tr Smart Charger between alternator and battery bank without starter battery

I have a 24V house LiFePO4 bank that I like to charge via a 24V(28V) alternator. My starter battery is 12V; it has it's own 12V alternator. I don't have a 24V starter battery. Can I install the Orion-Tr Smart 24|24 17 Charger directly between the 24V alternator and the 24V house LiFePO4 bank without a 24V starter battery?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

@Crazseas. The DC--DC needs to be connected to a battery. Therefore you would need a 24v Lead Acid battery, Alternator and DC-DC connected together. If the DC/DC shuts down it's charging then something needs to take the load from the alternator.

This makes no sense for a number of reasons. The biggest is going to be that the 24v Alternator will likely have a charge capability much higher than the DC-DC. You are much better installing an external regulator controller on the alternator, something like a Wakespeed 500. This will control the alternator output through the field drive, it will also monitor the batteries and BMS (depending on the BMS being used) and provide a charge algorithm that is compatible with Lithium, It can also shut the alternator down if the BMS directs due to a charge disconnect event or load disconnect event,

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