
simon-jukes avatar image
simon-jukes asked

Modbus TCP set ESS Schedule Charge SOC Limit

Hi all

I am looking for a writable modbus value to set the soc limit for a scheduled charge so I can change to value from Home Assistant based on the estimated solar forcast for the following day.

Anyone know of the modbus value or of another way of achieving it, can charge be turned on/off via modbus and then i can control charge from home assistant using node red



Modbus TCP
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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

I'm not aware of modbus solution but sounds like some others have setups via ssh/mqtt

@Meine_Energiewende solution in the below link might solve your problem and just use home assistant via mqtt rather than modbus tcp

Activate/Set Schduled Charging via Modbus - Victron Community (

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