
mjeksteen avatar image
mjeksteen asked

Min Battery size

Hi There

I am planning on installing an off-grid system with two Mppt 450/200 connected to 24000wp solar.

Four 5kw multiplus and gerbo gx with color screen

18kva diesel generator and 20kw ac coupled inverters on the ac out of the multiplus inverters.

The batteries will be BYD Flexs 5kw rack type.

What is the least number of batteries I can install while it's still a construction site?

Thanks in advance.

system design
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Supra-Halbleiter avatar image
Supra-Halbleiter answered ·

Hi! There is a paragraph about "Minimum battery sizing" in Victron's battery compatibility guide for BYD:

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2 |3000

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

In short 2 modules for offgrid with inrush on mp and mp2.

If you switch to a quattro then 3.

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