
frederick avatar image
frederick asked

How to check AC loads from raspberrypi on Local Network

I have a Headless Raspberrypi in the same subnet as the Venus GX.

Mosquitto is installed on the Pi, and MQTT is enabled on the Venus GX.

A nmap scan shows ports 22,80,81,8000 and 9001 listening on the Venus GX.

A measurement of '/Ac/ConsumptionOnOutput/*' has to be made and a relay triggered on the Pi as to disconnect a load, to avoid overload.

I assume the AC consumption register value above, is the same value as the remote console "AC Load".

Here is the command running on the Pi:

root@MyPi:/home/pi$ mosquitto_pub -d -h VenusGX_IP_addr -m '["/Ac/Consumption/L1/Power"]' -t 'R/InstallID/keepalive'

Client mosqpub|1416-MyPi sending CONNECT

Client mosqpub|1416-MyPi received CONNACK (0)

Client mosqpub|1416-MyPi sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'R/InstallID/keepalive', ... (28 bytes))

Client mosqpub|1416-MyPi sending DISCONNECT

This gives no result (takes me back to the command prompt).

I want to read this value with a Python script every 5 seconds or so, and activate the relay as described above.

Your guidance please.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Moving to modifications space as it's a Pi question.

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