
jeff-hambletoin avatar image
jeff-hambletoin asked

All my Victon Orion-Tr-Smarts chargers are not functioning properly

1. 12/24 15A has a current limit of 23 Amps.
2. 12/24 15A has a current limit of 11 Amps.
3. 24/12 30A has a current limit of 10 Amps

4. 12/12 30A has a current limit of 20 Amps

I bought from Amazon. I am in a mobile home in Portugal and don't know what to do. Victron are not helpful.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Sarah avatar image
Sarah answered ·

Hi @Jeff Hambletoin Perhaps if you could provide a diagram of your set up (including where and how you are measuring current) and screenshots of the config pages using VictronConnect that would be helpful. In the meantime check that all your wire terminations are suitably tight and that the cable sizes are appropriate for the expected current (Victron Toolkit app is good for this). Also check to see if any of the cables warmer than the other (but also be aware that the Orion’s can get quite hot and that this is normal).

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