
stirred avatar image
stirred asked

Orion TR Smart always on (undesired)

Dear all, I have bought an Orion TR Smart 12/12 30 Ampere NON ISOLATED for my campervan. I have connected that on one end to my Lithium Battery (100Ah board) and on the other to my Motor Battery (77Ah, standard battery plumb). Ground connected to the vehicle. Now, what I notice is that the green light is on, indicating the device works already when the engine is off and alternator gives no energy. In fact, leaving the van with the fridge on for 3 hours, drains the motor. Can you please help me understanding why is the device working when the motor is not on???? This is totally unexpected to me. Many thanks in advice!

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·
Probably not setup correctly.

If you connect with Victron connect app, top right is a cogwheel icon. That takes you to the settings. It should be set to charger. Check the manual for the other settings, if it doesn't make sense, ask us.

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stirred avatar image
stirred answered ·

Hey,set to charger but that is not the thing.

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Some screenshots of your settings might be helpful.
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mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

What are the values for: "Alternator Type", "Start Voltage"and "Shutdown Voltage", the Engine Shutdown parameters?

What mode is the charger in ... Bulk or Absorb?

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