
wattzup avatar image
wattzup asked

SmartSolar Will Not Enter "Bulk" Phase.


I have a new installation in my motorhome. 525W solar (3x175); SmartSolar 100/50 Controller; Blue Smart IP22 12/30 Charger; Orion 12/12-30 DC-DC; and 2 x 170AH Lithium House Batteries. The DC to DC works perfectly with the motor running, the AC charger works perfectly when connected to AC (both chargers charging at around 30A). The solar controller however remains in 'Float' irrespective of any setting changes, why is the charger not starting 'bulk'? I attach images.

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

It looks like your batteries are full from the data, each day the battery is goung to the absorption voltage as it gives max V =14.2V or higher. The bar charts also show some white at the bottom of the bar stack which is the energy harvested in bulk. The MPPT appears to be working.

The question is, are the batteries actually full or does the MPPT just think they are full because the MPPT battery terminal is getting to 14.2V. The clue I think is in the low voltage overnight, this should be a minimum of the battery voltage, not 1.2V that you have. To me this suggests that you have a poor connection somewhere in your wiring between the MPPT and the battery, perhaps a failed fuse, poor termination, crimp or a faulty isolator. You need to turn the MPPT off and get your multimeter out and check.

Are you using the cheap isolators / breakers, these are well known for poor connections.



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