
Holger Watermann avatar image
Holger Watermann asked

VRM duplicate Items in Advanced Widgets (Mostly Solved)


this is my Problem, since circa Beta 2.93 there are these duplicated Widgets.

There is no delete Button, like in the Device List, so how to get them go.


up to the end...


All is running well, only these Duplicate - this is an Screenshot after clicking the little (+)


Now i just updated to v3.36, hoping it will disapear silently - no chance.

Maybe someone here has an Idea.


(Info: my Device List is fine, no Duplicates there - and also an Button to delete)

VRMwidget vrm
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2 Answers
semlohnhoj avatar image
semlohnhoj answered ·

I wouldn't delete the duplicates at this stage. They will probably fix the issue shortly. Worth raising it as an issue with them though.

I've avoided doing the patches recently since getting bitten with a node-red bug they introduced. but they did fix it quite quickly.

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Holger Watermann avatar image
Holger Watermann answered ·

Hello to all Readers (esp. semlohnhoj)

Some kind of Solution:

With Version 3.37 of Venus (or the Browser vrm) finaly an Way arrived to disable all the 30 virtual duplicated Solar Devices in my System.


I was able to delete them one after the other by clicking the new "Delete Device" Button. FINE.

But wait, there is more:


The Battery Monitor is also twice listed (since an Year now). So it is getting better but still not perfect.

Getting happy for now. Thanks for the Support


delete-solar.jpg (80.2 KiB)
bms-double.jpg (40.1 KiB)
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