
jkb avatar image
jkb asked

Orion TR Smart 24-24/17 en aux monitoring Victron Smartshunt

My Orion TR Smart DC-DC 24-24/17 is isolated. Input via alternator and starter battery. Output to a Lifepo4 battery. The Lifepo4 battery is connected to a Victron Multiplus. The Multiplus is earthed at the same point where the starter battery is earthed. The Isolated therefore seems to me to be Non-Isolated (?)

I can connect two sensors to the Victron Smartshunt. One for the voltage of the Lifepo4 and one for the voltage of the starter battery (or the midpoint voltage of 2 batteries placed in series). In the Victron app of the Smart shunt I have changed the monitoring of the midpoint voltage to "start battery voltage" But it shows in the App 0.01 volts. Could this be caused by the starter battery being isolated (?) from the Lifepo4 battery?

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
marcve avatar image
marcve answered ·

@jkb. The smartshunt needs a reference for both batteries. This means, the negative pole of both batteries should be connected to the smart shunt, for the shunt to be able to produce a voltage for both batteries.

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jkb avatar image
jkb answered ·

Thanks for your answer. I think so too. The Multiplus itself is grounded, which is why it seems to me that both systems have the same ground. The Orion is "isloated" but that seems to me to be canceled by the grounding of the Mulitplus. Still, according to your advice, I will make an extra earth and then I will surely be fine.

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marcve avatar image marcve commented ·

@jkb. This from the manual for the victron smartshunt. As you see, both batteries ground are actually connected together. Although, your starter batterie is on the opposite side from the smartshunt, it still functions as "minus" reference for both betteries. I would not add another "minus" cable, because this might create a ground loop. Just have all "minusses" come together at one point.


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