
jkb avatar image
jkb asked

Orion TR Smart 24-24/17 disconnect inputside with relay

Can I switch the input side of the insulated Orion TR Smart 24-24/17 between starter accelerator/alternator on and off with a relay? I ask this because when I connect the battery terminal plus I see a spark. It seems as if there are capacitors in the Orion that are briefly charging. Is it harmful to the Orion to switch the input side on and off with a relay. Thanks Jan

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Why would you need to disconnect and connect repeatedly? And no the spark is not good. You would also get that spark with a relay.

The remote on off is made for the purpose of switching it off? That would be the preferred method.

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jkb avatar image
jkb answered ·

Thanks for your reply. I want the charge to stop once the Lifepo4 is full.

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jkb avatar image
jkb answered ·

And I want to prevent the starter battery from draining. I read stories where the starter battery is empty, because a battery charger is connected to the starter battery. That's not the case with me. I like using the on and off switch in the Visctron app. That's what you mean by Remote on-or I assume.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
There's a wire bridging the L and H terminals on the Orion. Install a switch to replace the wire. It's in the manual.
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