
sneruh avatar image
sneruh asked

Circuit breaker or supplementary protector: which to use?

My Mulitplus 24V2000 will be connected to a 20A circuit breaker in my basement subpanel. On the AC OUT side, I was looking at installing two 15A "breakers". Now I see that there are two different type MCBs: circuit breakers that are UL 489 and supplementary protectors that are UL 1077 certified. Given that I have circuit protection at my subpanel , can I simply use a UL1077 breaker on the AC Out side?

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1 Answer
marcve avatar image
marcve answered ·

@sneruh. I have a Quattro II, and I have been using standard circuit breakers on the AC outputs for years without a problem. However, it is advisable to use "fast acting" circuit breakers on the output of the inverter.

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sneruh avatar image sneruh commented ·
Thanks. In the end I decided to go with the standard breakers that we use here in Canada which I think are 10000AIC
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