
jheg avatar image
jheg asked

Orion DC/DC not using re bulk correctly

I have the float voltage set to 13.6v and the re bulk offset set to .4v. From my understanding this means that it shouldn’t start bulk charging until the output battery drops to 13.2v. However, even if my battery is fully charged and resting at 13.6v, the Orion still starts the bulk phase. This phase only lasts about 30 seconds since it quickly brings the voltage back up, but then it does the whole absorption stage again, which I don’t want to happen. Any ideas?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Are you sure there was not a device which sucked shortly a high current enough to get the battery under 13,2V?

Rebulk of 13,2V sounds very high. I would set it to 12,6V and let the MPPT do the rest

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jheg avatar image jheg commented ·
  1. @Michelle Konzack there shouldn’t be, I don’t have any loads running when I am driving, so voltage should stay where it is.

I have a 100ah renogy lithium battery that is being charged, and 13.2v is what they recommend for restarting the bulk stage. I’ll try lowering the re bulk offset even more and see if that helps. Thanks!

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ jheg commented ·
Don't go too low. Lithium has a very flat voltage curve. Personally I'd leave things as they are and investigate the cause. Bulk charge restarting isn't going to do damage.

What loads are you running? Some can cause a big voltage drop at startup.

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