
Andrew avatar image
Andrew asked

series-para wired or other?

I have 3 mismatched panels where voltage is 1500v vs 7 x JA panels 1000v, amps voc etc are similar. The 10 panels are all on a platform without shading all south facing lenghwise at 15 deg elevation. At the moment Marekp correctly identified the layout but now no shading but 3 different panels i am wondering if they should remain in series 5 x 2 or is it benficial to put in 3 odd ones in para string of 3 and 7 as a string in series. Currently the easysolar gx II 48v 3k/250/70 (35) is wired before the inverter with 32a/200v and an spd but wonder if too low on voltage have inline 15a/1000 om each string on the Ja 380/logi 370 and a shokkty diode on both too, Y connectors to 2 poles - pylontech x 2 / 3000 and 40a AC connection for mains unit


system design
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1 Answer
Jons Collasius avatar image
Jons Collasius answered ·

Different alignments, different string setups or different PV modules each belong to their own MPPT tracker.

The module system voltage of 1500 V or 1000 V refers to the maximum permissible voltage of a string! But the limit here is the maximum 250 V of your MPPT!

Even 5 Ja Solar Panels might blow your MPPT depending on the exact panel you have. Please use the Victron Energy MPPT Calculator.

5 Modules of Ja Solar JAM72S03 360-380/PR have 270,5 V @ min. temperature *poof*

Warranty is void if you blow your MPPT with overvoltage on the PV side.

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Andrew avatar image Andrew commented ·
thanks Jons good I only used 5 thankyou.
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