
rait-lotamois avatar image
rait-lotamois asked

Three-phase Hybrid inverter but system showing only one phase

I'm new to Victron so I'm actually not sure if my question is more about Victron configuration or MQTT-device driver.

Anyhow, I've set up my 3phase hybrid inverter in VenusOS using

I'm at the point where I have the device showing up on dbus, all the values are being populated and updated. In VRM I am able to display power, voltage and current values for all three phases on Ac In and Ac Out sides. But the system is still showing up as 1 phase and only displays L1 values natively.

This is what I'm seeing on dbus for my inverter:




And when I check under system, I only see L1 values and number of phases is set to 1:



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3 Answers
rait-lotamois avatar image
rait-lotamois answered ·

Also, everything is looking good when checking the Remote Console:

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

systemcalc provides the system values which are generally used for power numbers rather than looking at the individual inverter services. It seems system calc only looks for a single phase for services starting with com.victronenergy.multi. Multiple phases are processed for services starting with com.victronenergy.vebus

It looks like this should be showing up as a service starting with com.victronenergy.pvinverter since this is a PV inverter NOT an DC to AC inverter or inverter/charger.

[Edit] I had a look at the Dryer Hybrid inverter and it looks like id qualifies as an inverter/charger. But systemcalc only supports a single phase device for com.victronenergy.multi...

The author of the driver probably needs to have a discussion with someone at Victron to sort out the best way to handle this.

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rait-lotamois avatar image
rait-lotamois answered ·

Thank you very much Kevin! Switching to vebus type populates the values correctly. But vebus type comes with a different issue - now com.victronenergy.system service seems to be constantly restarting. All values keep flickering in and out every second or so.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Check the systemcalc log. There's probably something the Deye Hybrid inverter driver isn't putting on dbus that systemcalc expects.

There may be a better way to make this work than having the Deye Hybrid inverter impersonate a Victron VE.Bus inverter/charger but it's beyond what I could help with.

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rait-lotamois avatar image rait-lotamois Kevin Windrem commented ·
Thank you so much for your help again Kevin. Turns out it was not the vebus service but since vebus can not handle PV stuff, I split my PV information into a separate solarcharger service. And that is what's causing the system service crash.

I need to dig deeper into that one.

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