
bobby-gallahue avatar image
bobby-gallahue asked

Victron Orion 12/12-Volt 30 amp Not turning on

I am setting up a power system in my Sprinter van. I am attempting to install the Orion DC charger in and not having success getting it to initially turn on. I have 6awg wires running to the Orion and they are outputting 12.5v when the van is turned off and mid 13s, low 14s when turned on and idling. Per the user manual i have connected the input and output cables (output is to a Victron Lynx distributor) but I am not seeing the on/off switch light up green and it is not available in the Victron connect app. Any thoughts on what i should try for troubleshooting?

orion-tr smart
2 |3000

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