
aliwes avatar image
aliwes asked

Using the Solar Calculator

Hi All,

I'm struggling to use (and understand) the solar calc spreadsheet. Help please...

I think I have worked out the panel and Mppt selection from subsequent sheets (I have x2 12v 175W series 4 panels and the MPPT 100/50 controller) and entered module 20 and controller 7. My system voltage is 12v (default was 4 on the sheet). The only other thing I have changed is the cable run from 10 (default) to 5m.

I don't understand the Total Power at STC - it remains at Zero no matter what values I change.

I am getting LOTS of exclamation marks.

Am I doing something wrong or is my choice of components incompatible (if so, why please?)

Thanks in anticipation.


solar sizing
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5 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You have 0 in the box for parallel, so the system is calculating that you have zero panels in the system.

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aliwes avatar image
aliwes answered ·

Thanks for that but that makes no difference... Here is the screenshot with it set to 1.

The ONLY thing that gets it working is to change the system voltage got ONE Volt...

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Marc Elvery avatar image Marc Elvery commented ·

This is your setup when using your input. Something must be wrong with your sheet. Make sure you use the latest version 3.1 from the site and enable macro's.

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Bob (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Bob (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi Al,

please use MS Office Excel for this spreadsheet and enable macro's (than you can not go down to '0' for parallel). Seeing your screenshot this is what is why you do not see the button to select/in- & decrease values and it doesn't calculate all needed results. But it seems Marc already helped out here, thanks!

Good luck with the MPPT's!



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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Ah yes, good point. You have to use MS Excel.

Alternatively, there is an online calculator which might be easier to use.
Use the button on the right hand side of this page for the calculator.

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aliwes avatar image
aliwes answered ·


HUGE Thanks chaps. Marc, I'm using Numbers on a Mac and there are more pages on tabs for selection of the panels and controllers, but I agree with you that this is probably my problem. Thanks for putting my system components into your spreadsheet and showing me the results - you're ace :-)

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Marc Elvery avatar image Marc Elvery commented ·

No problem, I'm using macOS myself. Even when using the official Office 365 version of Excel, I get warnings that not all features are present. I should try on my work (Windows) laptop to see what I get there. But the HTML5 website based noted by @WKirby is very handy. Only some new panels seem to be missing, maybe @Bob (Victron Energy Staff) can fix that? (or have it fixed)

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Bob (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Bob (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Marc Elvery commented ·

Hi Marc, we're frequently updating the online tool, so newer solar modules will be added soon. Thanks for helping out!

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