
duckman avatar image
duckman asked

L.O.M and SR7 AVR

Hi, new here, but not to off grid.

I have been running a Multi II with pylontech 3000c`s for a year after selling my old outback/lead acid set up

Impressed in many ways having been an off grid user since 1998

However having issues with L.O.M messing my SR7 AVR regulators around

My current set up is Grid/Generator (1500rpm kuboata with Meccalte 4pole 7Kva), Multi II with just the one AC in

Despite reassurances at time of purchase the Multi`s L.O.M screws around with the regulator and in all scenarios either puts the Multi in Passthru or spits out completely, on hindsight i needed 2x AC in but had never had any problem with Outback or Trace re anti islanding

I`m familiar with the Victron L.O.M article but find the idea of having to shell out for a Ziehl anti islanding relay somewhat.... "insulting"

I know my generators, Ive lived with them commercially on farm since 1998 coupled to SW Traces and VFX Outbacks, with or without grid with no issues.

IMHO the Victron L.O.M in an attempt to push the Hz messes with the SR7`s voltage stabilisation, it being Voltage fluctuations that make the Multi spit out its dummy.

YES, If I use "grid other" with L.O.M disabled everything is sweet as sweet..

I understand the concept of islanding, so running "grid other" L.O.M disabled is not an option, neither is £500 for Ziehl.

Has anyone found a compliant alternative or solution to this issue?

The SR7 is not at issue Ive tried it with a new unit

Im considering using an "under voltage release" din rail device which couples with a 2 pole MCB placed between grid and Multi, grid fails device trips, I dont need to automatically re-connect, i just need to prevent back feed into a damaged grid, has anyone used this method?


anti islanding
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @duckman

Real offgridders don't use ESS (nor LOM). They just set Grid Code to 'None' and the system can't export. And your offgrid kit becomes just another appliance on the utilitiy's line. Of course regulators being what they are might disagree, but don't blame Victron for that.

Even terminate the grid at a power point and plug in a cord if you get desperate. Sorry, you ain't offgrid until you're prepared to do that.. :)

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duckman avatar image
duckman answered ·

Hi John,

your answer fits very nicely to what id pondered on thankyou, this gives me a usefull route to trial, i had wondered about the grid "none" selection and saw the script box on victron configure, i take your point about non exportation but assumed the bus would still be live, guess i can go find out

Personally i quite like the balance of grid misering that can be acheived with ESS

"off grid"? my current "grid" connection is my first, i was off grid when most folk didnt know what it meant running a full size hatchery producing you guessed it... ducks

Before that i lived a decade and a half on laybys in a converted bus, really "off grid", i have the T shirt it has holes in it and you can just make out the words "special brew" and "carlsberg"....

With grid tarrifs looking to go through the roof when the UK cap is removed for businesses it will be back to the old ways

Cheers, Nick

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

There's also 2 methods in the Multi to 'Ignore AC', a relay that can turn ACIn1 off. And you can also program it to come on under conditions you set. Makes it easy to live with.

Ducks eh. I've my pet wild ones who feed nearby all day long. Hope they don't stray too far during the upcoming open season on them. I won't touch, but there's plenty Rambos out there who will. Have a good one.

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Related Resources

Anti-Islanding Box 63A single and three phase Product Page

Product Support

Ziehl Voltage and Frequency Relay UFR1001E Product Page

Ziehl Manual

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