
martinp avatar image
martinp asked

Mounting Non isolated Orion-Tr Smart 12|12 - 30

I'd be very grateful for guidance on best position to mount the above unit. I have a Citroen Relay (6m wheelbase) and will also be using a Lynx, a Multi Plus and an MPPT Smart Solar. The installation will be at the rear of the vehicle mounted on the wall above the rear wheel arch.

The manual states to mount it close to the battery but is not clear which one ! Is it the starter battery or the leisure/house battery? Does it make any difference?

If at the rear near to the leisure battery, is it ok to use the common earth on the Lynx bus bar and run the positive feed, via appropriate fusing, from the starter battery the length of the vehicle?

orion-tr smart
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Any battery charger should be close to the battery being charged. This will minimize voltage drop between the charger and battery.
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seb71 avatar image seb71 klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

Generally that's a valid rule (to have the charger as close as possible to the charged battery).

But in this case the power source is the car alternator. You want as little as possible voltage drop at the input of Orion Smart DC-DC charger.

Also, not in this case, but the "house" battery can be a 24V battery, so lower current on the output wires.

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1 Answer
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

The manual states to mount it close to the battery but is not clear which one ! Is it the starter battery or the leisure/house battery?

I would say close to the starter battery (car battery).

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