
pedaaa avatar image
pedaaa asked

Modbus Register for CCL (Charge Current Limit) from BMS?

Hello, i am searching for the CCL-value that my BMS is sending to Victron:

i can see this limit in remote console device-> battery -> parameters:


in this case its 30A, because the BMS is currently sending a lower limit.

But on Modbus, i can only find the CCL that i have manually set in DVCC:

This can be found via Register 2705:


So i can only read the manual CCL-setting (register 2705) -> 100A

but not the actual CCL, victron is using as the limit -> BMS-CCL -> 30A

Are there any ideas how to read this BMS CCL??

Is there a hidden Modbus Register for that?

Modbus TCP
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
The CAN registers for these aren't public, so I would presume this isn't either.

I had to do some googling and can-sniffing to find the relevant registers.

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Use register 308.

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pedaaa avatar image pedaaa commented ·

aahhhh its register 307...

i feel stupid now... Could have find it myself in the Modbus-List.

thanks you!

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ pedaaa commented ·
Oh yes, sorry, 307 not 308.
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