
over-and-under-victron avatar image
over-and-under-victron asked

Isolated Orion - output becomes input?

Using a 12/12-18 isolated with Bluetooth to charge my FLA start battery with a LFP house battery. I have it on a switch and turn it on when needed.

My question is what if I forget the Orion is charging my start battery and start the van? My alternator puts out around 14.5V. Will this be an issue for the Orion?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
jkmann avatar image
jkmann answered ·

If the Orion sees the 14.5 volts wouldn't it just stop charging? In a normal Orion implementation there are several charging sources for your house battery and the Orion doesn not have a problem with this.

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over-and-under-victron avatar image over-and-under-victron commented ·
Good point thanks!
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