
marelooke avatar image
marelooke asked

Multiplus-II ignores values set through local MQTT

Hi all,

I'm trying to get a peak shaving setup programmed through Node RED on a Multiplus-II.

To that end I'm trying to get the battery charged from AC, however it appears the device ignores values set through local MQTT (connected directly to the device, not through Victron's cloud).

Notably, since this has a "forced on" DVCC setup I've been trying to dynamically adjust the MaxChargeCurrent through its MQTT topic: venus-home/N/<deviceId>/settings/0/Settings/SystemSetup/MaxChargeCurrent, where deviceId is the ID of the Multiplus.

However changes through MQTT appear to not be reflected in the UI, nor do they take effect. I can adjust this parameter just fine through the UI on the device, and it works as expected.

Of note is that I've tried to directly set these values on the Multiplus-II through MQTT Explorer but the publish button there doesn't do anything (no errors either). However, values set Node RED do show up in MQTT Explorer connected directly to the Multiplus-II broker (but as before, don't take effect).

In all attempts so far changing something through the Multiplus-II web UI did result in the topic getting updated with the expected value, the other way around is what doesn't appear to work.

Fow what it's worth I've followed this guide to get MQTT setup in HomeAssistant:

I'm not sure if that guide is missing something of import to be able to actually control the Multiplus-II through MQTT? Google, so far, has not been my friend so I was hoping someone here with a working setup may be able to share some insight.

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1 Answer
anhoume avatar image
anhoume answered ·

You must write to the W topic to make changes. Try writing to venus-home/W/<deviceId>/settings/0/Settings/SystemSetup/MaxChargeCurrent instead.

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marelooke avatar image marelooke commented ·

Thank you so much, that was exactly it! I'd been looking all over.

I had assumed bidirectional mapping meant exactly that and given that things seemed to update I hadn't even questioned that assumption...

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