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powertherapy asked

UK DNO Approval - Multiplus II 48/10000

Hi everyone, thanks in advance for looking at my question!

I am installing a Multiplus II 48/10000 and I notice that all the G98/G99 documents refer to the 3KW and 5KW versions.

Is there any reason why the 48/10000 (and I guess the 48/8000) has not been tested/certified alongside the smaller models?

I am aware of the current approval situation on these models generally, and also noted that the 8000/10000 Quattros have been tested - they are electrically the same are they not?

I have a BYD battery and do not intend to export anything to the grid, I have set the GX system not to do so via the various switches and limits. I accept that something may trickle through depending on fluctuations but have filled in the draft DNO application stating zero as the rated export capacity.

Advice welcome but I'm fundamentally interested in my the 48/10000 has little to no certification!

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1 Answer
Roshan avatar image
Roshan answered ·

@powertherapy I'm also interested in the same inverter and was wondering the same. Does anyone have experience with installing this model in the UK and connecting to the grid in ESS mode for charging the batteries?

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