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roxyroller asked

Wifi issues - only in cold weather - is there another dongle I can add?

Hi, I'll preface this with I know nothing. Our system was installed, and I've let it be for the last 2 years. All Victron, very fancy. Every winter though, wifi won't stay connected if weather is less than -5 degrees Celsius. I can reset the Cerbo and I can hear it click from the back of van where all the heart it is.... and it will then pick it up and I can get it working for a short minute or two then fail to connect. I am getting wifi from my house, van is parked in front. Strength is roughly 65% and I have placed extenders. Works great in summer, so I'm wondering if I have a hardware issue I have to look to replace... or I'm wondering if there is another wifi dongle I can buy that will be better and compatible. If someone can tell me what may be the best for better hardware/signal, or if there is something I can look at for connections, and on what device that I look that makes the wifi magic and post any videos on how to connect your suggestions (again I know nothing). it's -30 this week, and I don't want to spend another winter checking the van from inside 4 times a day when we are not using her. haha.

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