
ssonder avatar image
ssonder asked

How to read Modbus register 76?

I would read out the register 76. It is supposed to be a uint32. But what exactly is register 76 as uint32 or register 76 and 77 as uint16 numbers telling me? How to decode the numbers to a kWh value? At least the numbers I get, I cannot transfer in meaningful kWh figures.

Modbus TCP
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

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1 Answer
ssonder avatar image
ssonder answered ·

I have the suspicion that the correct value is only in the second half of the uint32 value which means to read out only the register 77 as uint16 instead of register 76 as uint32. The value of register 76 unit16 is somehow a potential factor in case the number range of register 77 uint16 ist too small. At least I am guessing now looking on the figures I received and trying to create some sense compared to what I would expect.

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