
iromeo avatar image
iromeo asked

ESS will not charge excess

30805c61-aa10-4b43-bbd5-8c3e834926f6.jpegHi everyone,

Have a weird situation. While the ESS setup is set to Optimized and Fronius is producing enough to cover the loads, ESS is exporting the PV output and using batteries for loads.
Tired to limit export to lower setting. If i swtich to keep batteries charged it will pull from grid.

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @iRomeo,

Apologies for this, there is a known issue addressed in an upcoming release. While not exactly as you describe, it may resolve it.

(If you would like to test it now - see here for more information - )

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iromeo avatar image iromeo commented ·
Thanks Guy! I've updated already. Waiting for sunshine tomorrow to test it out.

Quick question, as I'm doing some research with some DIY LFP packs - if DVCC is used, my Quattro shows "External Control" -does this mean the BMS will control charging? Or is it still set trough ESS (and only the max current and voltage are set by BMS)?

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iromeo avatar image iromeo commented ·

LE - actually i don't know if the update fixed the issue or not...
After reboot i got a low voltage alarm (both quattro and BMV report ~53v so it should not be an issue). Then i realized that it was the quattro who was giving the alarm, changed every setting imaginable to no avail. Finally i did the one last thing before hitting it with a hammer - i used the reset function... alarm cleared and now it's discharging and if i select keep batteries charged, then it charged them (like it's supposed to)

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