
solarlion avatar image
solarlion asked

Manual raise ESS minSOC - why charge power is 4500W?

I have 3 Phase MP2 5000 with 8 Pylontech US3000C in ESS.

When the Battery is already at minSOC, and I manually raise my minSOC from 40% to 60%, the system start to charge the Battery from 40% to 60% -> like expected. (I did this, because there is not enough solar now in winter to fill the Batterys, and I dont want to use the Battery life algorithm).

My Question is:
For this "Below minSOC Charging" the charge power is 4500W.

Why is it 4500W? Is it adjustable?
This is way below the capacity of the system. And also way below normal solar Charging. Maybe this "Below minSOC Charging" is hard coded to 1/2 of the max loading power of the MP2s for some battery live reason?

2 |3000

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Could be settings related.

What do you have the inverters set to?

Or the battery is requesting less? What is the CCL?

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solarlion avatar image solarlion Alexandra ♦ commented ·

DVCC set the max loading Current to 296A - so its not this.

ESS Max Inverter power is set to 9500W.
No other power restrictions are set.

With solar, normal Loading is 11 kW or more...

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What is the charge limit on each inverter set to - use veconfigure?

Is there an input current limit set on the inverters?

2 |3000

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solarlion avatar image solarlion commented ·
Charge limit is set by DVCC to 296A.

Intput current limit is 32A. Think this is per inverter value in 3 Phase system so 12.800W.

When the AC coupled Kostal PV is producing 10 KW - all this 10 kW go the same way as loading from the grid, with full 10 kW.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ solarlion commented ·
If the inverter's manual setting via veconfigure is lower, this will be honoured - the DVCC limit will never be reached.

You need to check the individual settings on the multis.

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solarlion avatar image solarlion nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Ok I will check, but cant do it right now...

But because "normal" loading from AC is with 10kW or more I cant imagine there is a limitation. When SOC is over minSOC also the AC loading is 10kW... Only when SOC is below minSOC the AC loading is around 1/2 of the power as when loading from AC PV.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ solarlion commented ·
Particularly check the grid charge amps set.
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solarlion avatar image solarlion Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Instead of connecting wia USB/MK3 i loaded the saved config. For that reason I was already able to have a look at the settings.

Seems you found it. Its set to "Loading current 31A". 31 * 48 * 3 = 4464W. Thats close to the value I see. Thank you for pointing me to this location!

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veconfigloading.png (33.4 KiB)