
Graeme Walker avatar image
Graeme Walker asked

Orion TR Smart 12/12-30 configuration for charging Lithium on a boat

On my boat the installer put in two Orion TR Smart units (non-isolated), one for each start battery (twin diesels) which then connect to the house LiFePo bank. I can monitor the input to the bank and it is ~20 amps maximum (with lithium at ~50%), stock Delco alternators are 105 amp but likely putting out significantly less, guessing 60amps each.

Both units are configured as Power Supply mode. Shouldn't they be in Charger mode to accommodate a Lithium charge profile? How can I get more power out of them, it takes far too long to get back to 100%


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2 Answers
logofreak avatar image
logofreak answered ·

Are your alternators externally regulated? If so is it possible that your alternators are charging your house bank directly and the Orion dc-dc chargers are just maintaining your start batteries and not the other way around as you’re suggesting?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Orion's are one way, they cannot back charge.
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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Trying to second guess here.

If you're spending a lot of time with the diesels at low revs, alternator output is limited. Other loads on the starter bank may be preventing the Orions from giving full power.

Why power supply mode? Do you have smart alternators?

In power supply, you may end up flattening starter batteries when lithium gets low.

Orions don't really have current control, but lithium battery BMS may limit current.

Orions will limit output if they get too hot. Are they well ventilated with fins vertical.

If you have the battery charge specifications, then setting up the Orions as chargers would be a good option. A screen shot of the old and new settings will help.

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Graeme Walker avatar image Graeme Walker commented ·

Boat is 1999 vintage with twin Cummins 6BTA 330HP diesels and default Delco 19si 12v 105amp alternators, there is no external regulator no do I plan to add one. The idea was to charge the start batteries, 2x group 31AGM for each engine, and use the Orion to then charge the Lithium house. Orion's are installed in the rear of the engine compartment so may be getting hotter than expected, will have to put a temp gun on them next time I'm out, fins are vertical. Typically we cruise at 14-1600 rpm, not sure what times factor is used for the alternator, suspect around 2x. Looking at other Delco graphs this would be ~70amps and then derated more for high heat. Again, I'm trying to figure out why it was configured initially as 'Power Supply' and not 'Charger' and should I change it. Thanks.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ Graeme Walker commented ·
I can't think of a good reason for power supply configuration here. If it was mine I'd ask the installer, then unless there was a good reason, I'd change it.
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