
luka-koper avatar image
luka-koper asked

Orion-Tr Smart Non isolated unit mounting position

Why unit must be mounted vertically with the power terminals facing downwards? Is the cooling the only reason or there is something else? Why terminals downwards? My best mounting option would be vertical with terminals upwards, but I also plan to add a cooling fan close to the unit.

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
thanar avatar image
thanar answered ·

Afaik, mounting vertically should be the only limitation, in order for the heatsink fins to work properly in removing the heat through convection. terminals up or down shouldn't make any difference. The only thing I can think of, is that by placing the terminals at the bottom, there's so much lower probability of splash water ingress, or dropping a contractor onto the terminals that would probably short everything up.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Luka Koper,

The IP rating (and longevity design) is based on dust and moisture not collecting in those terminals, so they need to be facing down.

If you somehow took alternative measures to prevent any possible moisture, objects or dust from falling on those terminals (like a suitable cover or case) then it should also be ok.

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luka-koper avatar image luka-koper commented ·
Thank you both for the answers.
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ luka-koper commented ·
Also check that the cable insulation can take the heat. Orions can get pretty hot.
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