
malbecormerlot avatar image
malbecormerlot asked

Orion 12/24 Non Isolated Bulk Voltage

Hi All,

I have connected an Orion 12/24 to my van power system as shown in the diagram using 10mm2 cabling as recommended with 30A fuses:


I am using the factory default charger settings for Smart Lithium with Absorption voltage set to 28.4V and Float at 27V.

My leisure batteries show 26.1V before I turn my engine on and afterwards it only increases to 26.4V. The app shows that it is in bulk charge however my leisure batteries don't appear to be charging enough.

Should the bulk charge voltage be higher?

How do I change this value?

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

It would help a lot if you post the Victron connect app screens showing what's happening when charging. Also let us know which model of charger and batteries.

First guess is that there is nothing wrong. Orion will start the charge at max power. During this time the house battery voltage rises slowly until absorption voltage reached. With a big house bank, it may take quite a few hours to reach absorption voltage. (e.g. a 10A Orion charging a 200Ah battery which is half depleted may take 10 hours or more, depending on battery type and any loads on the battery when charging)

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malbecormerlot avatar image
malbecormerlot answered ·

Thanks for your reply. Here's a screenshot from the app.
I have the 12/24 -15 charger connected to two 12V 100ah lithium's connected in series.


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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Good to see to lithium voltage is increasing. It means the charger is working properly and just needs time to get the batteries charged.

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