
josd798 avatar image
josd798 asked

Multiplus II GS - BYD Battery - Extension with MPPT

Hi, i have an Multiplus II with an BYD battery and existing AC solar system (3Kw inverter).

i want to add a few extra panels via a MPPT to charge directly the battery via the DC-side.

Example: 6 panels 350wp, what mppt would you suggest?

?1: if the battery is fully charged, will the mppt and solar aray continue to produce solar power and distribute it to the house or feeding into the grid?

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


6 x 350W = 2100W. For a 48v system with no power limiting from the MPPT you will want something that can do at least 45A of charge.

Whether it is a 250v or a 150v is uo to your VIC of your panels. So check it here.

It will feedback if you tell it to do so from the GX, and if you have ESS it will feed loads directly.

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