
fenix avatar image
fenix asked

Mopeka BLE tank sensors setting for 20lbs BBQ

what are your setting for Mopeka BLE tank sensors setting for 20lbs BBQ

the % display does not match the Mopeka application

Bluetooth Low Energy - BLE
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Based on my use of the device the Mopeka Pro sensor sends the % to the Venus device so it should read the same. However, mine did not at first because the Bluetooth receiver was not in a good enough position. I have a Cerbo GX and when I added a Bluetooth USB dongle on a longer USB lead closer to the LPG tank it then read the right numbers. The manual lists Bluetooth dongles that are known to work, I used the TP Link UB400.

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