
spirare avatar image
spirare asked

Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-30A Non-Isolated DC-DC charger : Both green & blue light are weak and flickering rapidly

Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-30A Non-Isolated DC-DC charger

My Orion-Tr smart 12/12-30A dc-dc charger stopped working. Both the blue and green LED both flash extremely fast. Faster than the flashing cycles described in the manual.

The charger does not output any voltage and is inaccessible via Bluetooth VictronConnect.

The device was installed per the manual and it has been working fine until now.

Video of the charger being powered on and the LED lights blinking nonstop at a high rate.

Thanks for any insight anyone has.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
thedeltaskipper avatar image
thedeltaskipper answered ·

Did you every resolve this issue? I have two of the Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-30A Non-Isolated DC-DC chargers and they worked well for a while and both are now doing exactly what yours are. The first symptom was they would not recognize the remote switching, they would be on all the time and I would have to turn them off via the Victron Connect app. Both of them had that condition happen within a day and now they have moved on to the fast blinking blue and green LEDs without any bluetooth connection available.

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