
heleb avatar image
heleb asked

New Pylontech US3000C with issues -- Repair instead of replacement?

--- Hi,

got three US3000C running with a Multiplus2. Used MultiSIBControl and found that one US3000C is reporting unstable load/unload currents compared to the other two US3000C. Idle/Load/Unload also act different. My authorized Pylontech dealer asked me to send back the offending US3000 for repair (suspected faulty current sensor). The unit had less than 30 cycles when I discovered the issue. Likely it was like that from day one. Based on that I would have expected a replacement rather than a repair (how long will that take??). So what you say? Repair or replacement?

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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

if the issue is just the current sensor or a loose internal connection, then repair option would be the quickest and best solution. Anything else should be noticed by the dealer on inspection, and if more complex issue is found then he should let you know before proceeding. If it is a complex issue, then a replacement should be preferred.

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heleb avatar image heleb commented ·

Thanks Mike,

I guess "quick" is relative. Got news from my dealer: "......we have to adhere to Pylontech policies. Pylontech suggests changing the control-board. Currently this will take us 3 to 6 weeks...." .......oh well

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