
flashfire78 avatar image
flashfire78 asked

Multi RS Solar 48/6000 no full ESS assistant?

Hi, After trying to get Remote VeConfigure working (Enabled two way comms etc) to install the ESS assistant on the Multi RS Solar 48/6000 I am now getting mixed messaging about if this is even possible:

If I follow the ESS design and installation manual: ( chapter 1.2 Components refers to the following link: of where the Multi RS 48/6000 is listed.

The Victron Connect application on the phone also lists an "ESS" section where I can select 4 mode's: Optimized with/ w/o battery life, keep batteries charged and external control

At the local dealer I explained I already have installed an ET112 energy meter for measuring AC solar and an ET340 energy meter and the main grid feed-in to be able to allow for phase compensation (see 7.2. Single-phase ESS in a three-phase system in the ESS manual). According to the dealer this should be possible.

Can anyone clarify if I can use this Multi for full ESS capability? I can see Battery, Inverter, Energy meters in the Venus GS, The ESS screen in the Venus Gx keeps showing: "ESS wizard not found"

Looking forward to your feedback!

ESSMulti RSinverter rs
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4 Answers
mondeoman avatar image
mondeoman answered ·

I was also very interested in this topic. Unfortunately, there is no documentation and there's very little information available.

I believe that the Multi RS has a limited ESS capability. I don't think it allows connection of an external grid meter or AC coupling at AC Input side.
I have come to believe that it supports ESS only for loads connected at its output, powered through the inverter and DC coupled PV (connected to the inverter PV input). It might also support AC Coupled ESS but for AC inverters connected at its output.

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flashfire78 avatar image flashfire78 commented ·
Hi Mondeo, thanks for the reply. Looks like it indeed. The manual is pretty clear about the AC coupled PV on the Ac out 1 however I cannot find how to load the ESS assistant. ESS manual points to a list of inverters where the Multi RS 48/6000 is listed aswell.
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mondeoman avatar image mondeoman flashfire78 commented ·
@Flashfire78 I don't think you have to load anything on the Multi RS. I think it has this limited ESS already built in the firmware from the factory. You need to activate and configure it with VictronConnect. And I think Venus GX will not recognize it but it will still work even without a GX device.

I suspect that Venus GX only recognizez the ESS Assistant from inverters with VE.Bus (i.e. the MultiPlus and Quattro family).

Multi RS is not a VE.Bus product.

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flashfire78 avatar image flashfire78 mondeoman commented ·
Hi @MondeoMan, thanks for the reply again. Yes that seems to be the case. Now in contact with the reseller, back to the original setup I guess: Multiplus II 48/5000 and a separate MPPT..
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mondeoman avatar image mondeoman flashfire78 commented ·
@Flashfire78 if you want to keep the "all-in-one-box" design of the Multi RS, take a look at the EasySolar II product range.
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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Flashfire78,

The Multi RS is currently in the testing for compliance phase for ESS installations, and as of today is not yet supported.

The Multi RS does not have grid code approval / certification for anywhere in the world.

The ESS implementation of the Multi RS will be different to the VE.Bus Inverter/Chargers (i.e MultiPlus-II).

When it is ready to be launched, it will be managed through VictronConnect, and will not require (or support) the loading of the ESS assistant through the VE.Bus based VEConfigure.

Apologies for the lack of clarity in the documentation - my intention was to catch the ambiguity of the changing situation with the front page warning notice in the Multi RS manual that all installations needed consultation with Victron Dealer - as support will be phased in over time for various areas, and with various firmware updates.

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flashfire78 avatar image
flashfire78 answered ·

Good morning @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) and thank you for the reply. Great to hear it is in the testing phase and the background, it is a great piece of kit, very powerful and silent. Indeed lack of clarity where even the Victron dealer had challenges with. I am in contact with them to see what can be done to switch back to the original design: A Multiplus2 with a separate MPPT. Kind Regards, Bas

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It is also expected that dealers might not fully understand the situation - but they should be able to quickly get in touch with their regional Victron sales manager for locally specific info.

The RS is a great product and we want to get it into as many applications as we can.

The MultiPlus-II is well established now, and most models have grid connection compliance for most places in the world - a process that can take potentially take quite some time, and very difficult to accurate forecast unfortunately.

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mondeoman avatar image mondeoman Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) please allow me to make a suggestion.

ESS is interesting but it has complications with grid compliance and DNO approval. I know because I'm using it.

I think a lot of people would be interested to get into solar PV but are being put off by having to deal with DNO approvals.

The Multi RS could be a great commercial success even without ESS, if it would have the features required to build simple "self consumption" installations that run in off-grid mode, using the grid as backup for when the battery is too low. In most countries, these installations don't require any DNO paperwork.

In my opinion, the following features are really needed:

  1. An option to Ignore AC IN based on two configurable SOC levels measured by the internal battery monitor

  2. An option to disable charging from the AC IN under Battery Settings (and allow charging only from PV).

  3. Synchronize the inverter AC output waveform to the grid waveform for a few seconds before switching back to grid, for a smooth transition.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

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gabius avatar image gabius mondeoman commented ·

As far as is see my installation with multi rs, it doesn’t take gris until he need to charge the batteries after x% soc charge.

It’s a great product, I’m just waiting for the grid push when batteries are full and pv are producing

One strange thing is you can’t access to multi rs setting by the network, when dvcc is forced. I have to be in Bluetooth connection.

Maybe it’s a bad setup from my side ?

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Accessing the Multi RS settings in VictronConnect remotely via GX device requires latest firmware on all devices (Multi RS, GX and VictronConnect) - but then it is possible - I just tested it myself now.
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gabius avatar image gabius Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

I can’t access to the settings of the multi rs remotely, only with Bluetooth, and cerbo gx and multi rs are firmware up to date.


That is the page I try to reach by the vrm portal.

I want to be able to change the ess to charge during the night, if I had not enough solar during the day as exemple

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juf avatar image
juf answered ·


I will push up this threat and ask for any news about the full ESS and Grid Code implementation for the Multi RS?

Is there any progress?

Thanks for answers.


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Hi @Juf,

There is progress and news, but no official announcement yet.

We now have some EU certificates for the Multi RS, and better support in the GX device for the Multi-RS ESS settings in the latest beta version.

Once that beta is released, then I would expect something more formal.

If you would like to help, check the Modifications space for the Venus OS beta, otherwise please stand by for further updates by registering to Victron Professional and subscribing to the news where an announcement will be made.

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juf avatar image juf Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Guy,

thx for answer and the positive outlook.
I have subscribe to the beta news now.



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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·


Now, that the Multi RS19 was presented at InterSolar, like Multi RS at its time, maybe those certificates will come up soon...

At least Multi RS19 must have now any required hardware modification done vs. Multi RS, if any were necessary for feed-in...

But this is another fear, the fact that Multi RS will prove to not be fully compatible with feed-in. Or only partially compatible.

Hope dies last...


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For the two tracker Multi RS model I now have a lot more hope than fear, but it's not certain until certificate is in hand.

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