
fearthainn avatar image
fearthainn asked

Is it Possible to customise the mqtt endpoint?

Hi everyone, I'm looking at making my own web app to capture data and manage the VRM. I see that the controller sends data to Victron via the mqtt protocol, is it possible to change the endpoint it sends to be my own, which will be running in a cloud provider, perhaps by editing a config file?

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Moved after modifications. There is a good chance of getting a suitable answer.

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fearthainn avatar image fearthainn Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
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1 Answer
matthiasu avatar image
matthiasu answered ·

You can teach the Mosquitto server that's running on your system to bridge messages to the cloud provider.

See the mosquitto documentation for details; also I found to be very helpful.

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