
petesals avatar image
petesals asked

Orion Tr smart remote input inactive

image.jpgI have a new Orion tr smart 12/12-18 connected between a lead acid type charger and a new lifepo4 battery. The green on/off led is flashing and the app is saying “charging disabled “ and flashes every 5 seconds “remote input disabled”. The remote link is in place and if I remove it, it stops flashing and shows a steady “remote input disabled “. Should I just return the unit as faulty or am I missing something?

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Pretty sure that your charger is looking for some battery voltage before it will output current.

Perhaps hook up a battery and feed that into the Orion.?

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You should be able to connect with Victron connect what settings have you made? Screen shots of the engine on off, input voltage and battery parameters would help

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petesals avatar image
petesals answered ·

Thanks for your quick responses. It looks like it was problem with using the charger as an input. It was showing 14.6V input in the app, but when I connected to the car battery it worked perfectly.

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