
karl-kelly avatar image
karl-kelly asked

Orion 12/12-30 non isolated just stopped working.

Hi all new to the forum, i have a 300w solar panel on my camper roof with a smart solar mppt 100/30 and an orion dc to dc 12/12-30 non isolated connected with a smart alternator system (sprinter 2017). All was working fine for a few weeks and during the recent hot weather I decided to have a look on the app to see what the figures were like with all that sunshine. Solar setup was fine but no lights were working on the orion where normally i would have the power light and the bluetooth light. The icon on the app was black and not accessible. I tried to uninstall the orion and reinstall it but now the app cannot find it. I checked and double checked all connections and fuses but all ok. I read on here to disconnect the starter battery input for a while to reset it but still nothing. If anybody has had the same problem and managed to get it resolved please share.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Sarah avatar image
Sarah answered ·

Have you checked that the remote connection link cable hasn’t gotten loose? Otherwise you might need to pull it out of the van and test it with another power supply to confirm if it is working. There is an internal input fuse that according to the data sheet is not replaceable.

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