
btaylor avatar image
btaylor asked

I’m trying to connect a smart dongle to a MPPT Solar charger via a smart dongle.

On first connecting the pin (six zeros) was accepted and new firmware was downloaded with out any input. After rebooting the MPPT and clearing the pairing after entering the pin, the connection status bar reaches 100% then goes back to 0% and there it sits with both the blue and red leds flashing

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5 Answers
johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

quick flashing means boot loader active, update in progress.

install the Victron toolkit app if you are not willing to read the user manual, it shows you all led codes.

You don't need an extra BT dongle on a SmartSolar, it has it built in, that's why it's called SMART. Same for all other Victron gear, any Smart thing has BlueTooth inside and does not need external dongles, SmartShunt, SmartBMV712 , SmartSolar...

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btaylor avatar image
btaylor answered ·

My MTTP does not have the Bluetooth symbol on the front and does require the dongle. Can anyone out there please help

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johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

So you have a BlueSolar controller. Check out the App. It explains the LED codes. Provide exact information what MPPT controller you have, it is printed on it.

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btaylor avatar image
btaylor answered ·

It’s a blue solar charger MPPT 70/15. The dongle is a VE. direct smart dongle, which plugs into the port on the MPPT. When looking at the device list the MTTP is visible. When selecting it and entering 000000 the connection status goes from 0% to 100% then back to 0%. I’ve left it in this state for some time but it stays at 0%. I have reset the Bluetooth and rebooted the MPPT, still the same issue. The blue led is flashing continuously with the red led flashing as slower rate.

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johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

Go on your smartphone, settings, connection settings, bluetooth devices. Look for the controller and delete the connection.

Then go th the victron connect app, wait until dthe device shows up again and enter the passcode. It should create a new working connection. It is normal, that sometimes connecting stucks in the middle and starts over, dropping an existing hanging connection and then reconnects counting up again from 0% to 100%.

Make sure the plug is all the way in and has a good connection. If all this doesnt help, your BT dongle or your Ve.Direct port on the controller may be damaged, see your dealer for assistance.

This is by design of the App.

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