
morribiscuit avatar image
morribiscuit asked

Cannot see available battery % in VictronConnect

Hi all

I recently purchased a MultiPlus 24/500/10-16. It has the battery balancer installed in the setup configuration.

When checking the details on the Victron Connect program (Windows), I noticed i cannot see the "Available %" when on battery power - i.e. cannot see "XX %".

We also have a Multiplus 12/800 and when connected to this device on Victron Connect, it is possible to see the battery percentage, so seemed strange that on the 24/500 we cannot see this detail?

Is this a device limitation? Is there anyway to enable it? I would imagine it is coding related and not based on the actual inverter but could be wrong?

Multiplus-IIbattery chargingVictronConnect
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1 Answer
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @morribiscuit

Did you configure the battery capacity in the MultiPlus 24/500/10-16? Otherwise, the SOC is not available.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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